When test engineers, test the application without any support or automated code or script and execute the test cases or verify the functionality of the application is called Manual Testing.
Description: Manual testing is one of the ways by which software testing is carried out. In Manual Testing, the software test engineers test the application without using any automated code. manual tester step by step execute the test case steps to ensure that functionality is working as per provided specifications.
These days, manual testing is getting less and most of the organizations have focused on automated test execution. automation testing has its own advantages. we will see the automation testing in other articles.
Advantages of Manual Testing:
- The human brain can do a lot of stuff at the same time, the same thing can apply while doing the manual testing, all small observations manual tester can do while doing the testing. though the test case might not mentioned it. tester captures a lot of bugs with it.
- More efficient when requirements are involving. at this stage, automation is the high cost
- for complex scenarios where automation is not possible or has limitations such as some time travel cases.
Disdvantages of Manual Testing:
- its time consuming
- it does not give precise results all the time. it varies from tester to tester and other conditions
- cannot cover all possible cases